Berkelouw Rare Books
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A Memoir of the Life of Adam Lindsay Gordon the 'Laureate of the Centaurs'. With new poems prose sketches political speeches and reminiscences and an 'In Memoriam' by Kendall.
Published: 1892
Stock No. 253648
$75.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price

$95.00 Online price

Bravo Zulu. Honours and Awards to Australian Naval People Volume 1 1900-1974.
Published: 2016
Stock No. 253598
$125.00 Online price

$75.00 Online price

Australian Aboriginal Anthropology. Modern studies in the social anthropology of the Australian Aborigines.
Published: 1970
Stock No. 253600
$85.00 Online price

The Infamous Adventures of Ginger Meggs. Based on the characters created by Bancks.
Published: 1987
Stock No. 253597
$55.00 Online price