Rare Anthropology Books
Displaying books 881 - 900 of 2045 in total
Foreign Field Sports Fisheries Sporting Anecdotes &c. &c. from Drawings by Messrs. Howitt Atkinson Clark Manskirch &c. ? [The Supplement only being] Sketch of the Manners Pursuits &c. of the Natives of New South Wales.
Published: 1819
Stock No. 232177
$5,000.00 Online price

Entdeckungs-Reise der franzsischen Corvette Astrolabe unternommen auf Befehl Knig Karls X. in den Jahren 1826 1827 1828 1829 von dem Schiffskapitn J. Dumont d'Urville. Aus dem Franzsischen mit einem lithographirten Atlas. Historischer Theil.
Published: 1836
Stock No. 232099
$4,500.00 Online price

Voyage pittoresque autour du monde: Resum gnral des voyages de dcouvertes de Magellan Tasman Dampier Anson Byron Wallis Carteret Bougainville Cook Laprouse G. Bligh Vancouver D'Entrecasteau Wilson Baudin Flinders.. etc. 2 vols.
Published: 1834
Stock No. 232098
$2,500.00 Online price

$80.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price

Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand: Being an Artist's impressions of Countries and People at the Antipodes. 2 vols.
Published: 1969
Stock No. 231928
$100.00 Online price

Headhunters of Borneo. Translated from the French by Edward Fitzgerald.
Published: 1958
Stock No. 231785
$50.00 Online price

Four (4) pamphlets in the series Native Affairs Bulletin - Nos. 2 4 5 & 6 pertaining to the anthropology in North Borneo.
Published: 1953
Stock No. 231697
$60.00 Online price

A Narrative of a Nine Months' Residence in New Zealand in 1827; Together with A Journal of a Residence in Tristan D'Acunha an island situated between South America and the Cape of Good Hope.
Published: 1832
Stock No. 231517
$750.00 Online price

Narrative of an Expedition of Exploration in North-Western Australia. ...
Published: 1918
Stock No. 231495
$600.00 Online price

An Account of the Pelew Islands situated in the Western part of the Pacific Ocean. Composed from the Journals and Communications of Captain Henry Wilson ... who in August 1783 were there shipwrecked in the Antelope ...
Published: 1789
Stock No. 231489
$650.00 Online price

Entdeckungs-Reise der franzosichen Corvette Astrolabe unternommen auf Befehl Konig Karls X. in den Jahren 1826 - 1827 - 1828 - 1829 ... Historischer Theil. 2 vols. in one (Text & Atlas).
Published: 1836
Stock No. 231488
$4,500.00 Online price

Die politische organisation bei den Australischen Eingeborenen. Ein beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Staates. ...
Published: 1919
Stock No. 231431
$75.00 Online price

Australia Its History and Present Condition; containing an account both of the bush and of the colonies with their respective inhabitants.
Published: 1843
Stock No. 231246
$225.00 Online price

Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie de Monde. Revue Geographique et Ethnographique de la Malaisie de la Micronesie de la Polynesie et de la Melanesie; ... 3 vols.
Published: 1836-7
Stock No. 231189
$500.00 Online price

The World in Miniature; The Asiatic Islands and New Holland: Being a description of the manners customs character and state of society of the various tribes by which they are inhabited: ... 2 vols. in one.
Published: c.1824
Stock No. 230856
$850.00 Online price