Rare Anthropology Books
Displaying books 161 - 180 of 2045 in total
The Art of Africa: Masks and Figures from Eastern and Southern Africa.
Published: 1967
Stock No. 251294
$100.00 Online price

People of the Eland: Rock Paintings of the Drakensberg Bushmen as a Reflection of Their Life and Thought.
Published: 1976
Stock No. 251296
$750.00 Online price

L'education dans les Isles du Pacifique. Une bibliographie Selective.
Published: 1956
Stock No. 251250
$50.00 Online price

$50.00 Online price

$400.00 Online price

Quinkan Prehistory. The Archaeology of Aboriginal Art in S.E. Cape York Peninsula Australia.
Published: 1995
Stock No. 251053
$90.00 Online price

Hajar Bin Humeid. Investigations at a Pre-Islamic Site in South Arabia. With foreword by W. Phillips.
Published: 1969
Stock No. 251049
$50.00 Online price

In the Grip of the Nyika. Further Adventures in British East Africa.
Published: 1909
Stock No. 250991
$200.00 Online price

The Changing Pacific. Essays in Honour of H.E. Maude. Ed. by N. Gunson.
Published: 1978
Stock No. 250988
$100.00 Online price

A Sporting Trip through Abyssinia. A narrative of a nine months' journey from the plaines of the Hawash to the snows of Simien with a description of the Game from Elephant to Ibex and notes on the manners and customs of the natives.
Published: 1902
Stock No. 250973
$900.00 Online price

Reisen in den Mulukken in Ambon den Uliassern Seran (Ceram) und Buru. Eine Schilderung von Land und Leuten. 2 parts in one (text and plates).
Published: 1894
Stock No. 250954
$500.00 Online price