Rare Early Editions Books
Displaying books 81 - 100 of 273 in total
Summa philosophiae quadripartita, de rebus Dialecticis, Moralibus, Physicis & Metaphysicis:...Edition ultimo ab authore recognita & illustrata. 4 parts in 1.
Published: 1629
Stock No. 240373
$400.00 Online price

Defensio Regia Pro Carolo I. Ad Serenissimum Magna Britanniae Regem Carolum II. Filium natu majorem Heredem & Succesorum legitimum.
Published: 1649
Stock No. 240473
$200.00 Online price

$950.00 Online price

The Works of Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam Viscount St. Alban Lord High Chancellor of England. 4 vols. With several additional pieces never before printed ....To which is prefixed A New Life of the Author by Mr. Mallet.
Published: 1740
Stock No. 240485
$2,000.00 Online price

Jesus! De Osculis discurses philologici Editio plane nova multis in locis aucta atque emendata.
Published: 1689
Stock No. 240449
$300.00 Online price

Prae-Adamitae sive exercitatio super versibus duodecimo decimotertio & decimoquarto capitis quinti Epistolae D. Pauli ad Romanis.
Stock No. 240444
$750.00 Online price

Relation d'un Voyage en Angleterre ou sont touchees plusiers choses qui regardent l'estat des sciences & et la religion & autres matieres curieuses.
Published: 1666
Stock No. 240442
$300.00 Online price

Aur. Theodosi Macrobii V. Cl. & inlustris Opera. Accedunt Notae Isacii Pontani Joh. Meursii Jacob Gronovii.
Published: 1670
Stock No. 240363
$500.00 Online price

Spectacle de la Nature; or Nature Display'd being Discources on such Particulars of Natural History As were thought most proper to Excite the Curiousity and Form the Minds of Youth.
Published: 1736
Stock No. 240338
$300.00 Online price

$550.00 Online price

Philosophische Aphorismen nebst einigen Anleitungen zur philosophischen Geschichte. ...2 vols.
Published: 1793-1800
Stock No. 240227
$150.00 Online price

Oeuvres d'Histoire Naturelle et de Philosophie. Vols. I-V in 7 only. ...
Published: 1779-1781
Stock No. 240185
$500.00 Online price

Essais Philosophiques sur les moeurs de divers animaux etrangers Avec des observations relatives aux principes & usages de plusieurs peuples. Ou Extraits des Voyages...en Asie. ...
Published: 1783
Stock No. 239867
$2,500.00 Online price

The Agreement of the Customs of the East-Indians with those of the Jews and other Ancient People: ...To which are Added Instructions to Young Gentleman that intend to Travel.
Published: 1705
Stock No. 240246
$750.00 Online price

Historia Vitae & Mortis. Sive Titulus Secundus in Historia Naturali & Experimentali ad Condendam Philosophium: Quae est Instaurationis Magnae pars tertia.
Published: 1623
Stock No. 240248
$2,500.00 Online price

Origines Sacrae or A Rational Account of the Grounds of Christian Faith as to the Truth and Divine Authority of the Scriptures and the matters therein contained. ...
Published: 1662
Stock No. 240357
$550.00 Online price