Rare Early Editions Books
Displaying books 101 - 120 of 273 in total
In Octo Physicorum Aristotelis libros commentaria ex Vetustissimo ac Fidissimo manu scripto exemplari nuper diligentissime castigata & locis quamplurimis restituta: Cum duplici textus tralatione antiqua & Argyropoli recognis.
Published: 1564
Stock No. 240181
$1,000.00 Online price

Opera...ordinate ed illustrate coll'analisi storica della mente di Vico in relazione all scienca della civilita da Giuseppe Ferrari. 2nd edition. 6 vols.
Published: 1852-1854
Stock No. 240432
$300.00 Online price

Universae Naturae Theatrum In Quo Rerum Omnium effectrices causae & fines contemplantur & continuae series quinque libris discuriuntur.
Published: 1597
Stock No. 240359
$1,500.00 Online price

Vitis Degeneris: or The Degenerate Plant. Being a Treatise on Antient Ceremonies. Containing an Historical Account of their Rise and Growth their First Entrance into the Church and their gradual Advancement to Superstition therein.
Published: 1668
Stock No. 240440
$250.00 Online price

Opera Ominia: ex ult. J. Lipsii & Gronovii ememdat et M. Annaei Senecae Rhetores quae exstant Ex And. Schotti recens (4th vols: Joh. Fred. Gronovii ad L. & M. Annaeos Senecas Notae). 4 vols. in 3.
Published: 1658-9
Stock No. 240471
$350.00 Online price

A Free Discussion of the Doctrines of Materialism and Philosophical Necessity in a Correspondence between Dr. Price and Dr. Priestley. To which are added by Dr. Priestley An Introduction ..
Published: 1778
Stock No. 240219
$450.00 Online price

Histoire abregee des Insectes dans laquelle ces Animaux font ranges suivant un ordre methodique; ...2 vols.
Published: 1799
Stock No. 240490
$1,250.00 Online price

Histoire des Demeslez du pope Boniface VIII. Avec Philippe Le Bel Roy de France.
Published: 1718
Stock No. 240446
$200.00 Online price

Des Enfans Devenus Celebres par Leurs Etudes ou par Leurs Ecrit. Traite Historique.
Published: 1688
Stock No. 240376
$500.00 Online price

Salmon's Geographical and Astronomical Grammar including the Ancient and Present state of the World; ...
Published: 1785
Stock No. 241889
$300.00 Online price

$300.00 Online price

Letters Written by The Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope Earl of Chesterfield to Arthur Charles Stanhope Esq. Relative to the Education of His Lordship's Godson Philip The Late Earl.
Published: 1817
Stock No. 239444
$125.00 Online price

The Environs of London: Being an Historical Account of the Towns Villages and Hamlets within Twelve Miles of that Capital:...Vol. I and II only. (Vol. I: County of Surrey; Vol. II: County of Middlesex).
Published: 1792 & 1795
Stock No. 240650
$500.00 Online price

Ouevres completes de Bordeu precedees d'une notice sur sa vie et sur ses Ouvrages. Par M. Le Chevalier Richerand. 2 vols.
Published: 1818
Stock No. 240358
$400.00 Online price

Politicorum sive Civilis Doctrinae Libri Sex (x 438pp.) Ad Libros Politicorum Notae et de Una Religione Liber (168pp.). De um a Religione adversus Dialogistum liber. ...(102pp.).;
Published: 1671
Stock No. 240467
$150.00 Online price

Monita Et Exempla Politica. Libri Duo Qui Virtutes et Vitia Principum Spectant.
Published: 1630
Stock No. 240491
$1,200.00 Online price

De iis quae scripta sunt physicae in libris sacris sive de sacra Philosophia: with Lemnius Levinius De plantis sacris with La Rue Francois De Gemmis.
Published: 1595
Stock No. 240453
$950.00 Online price