Rare Genealogy Books
Displaying books 621 - 640 of 904 in total
Who's Who in Australia 1927-8. A Record of the Careers of Prominent and Representative People of the Time.
Published: 1927
Stock No. 207864
$100.00 Online price

$30.00 Online price

The Honourable Henry Erskine Lord Advocate for Scotland with Notices of Certain of his Kinsfolk and his time ...By Lieut.-Colonel Alex. Fergusson.
Published: 1882
Stock No. 207670
$100.00 Online price

The Heritage of the Bounty. The Story of Pitcairn through Six Generations.
Published: 1936
Stock No. 207476
$35.00 Online price

$75.00 Online price

A Bibliography of Publications on the New Zealand Maori and the Moriori of the Chatham Islands.
Published: 1972
Stock No. 205921
$25.00 Online price

The Church on the Hill. An Introduction to the History of St. Anne's Church of England Ryde 1826-1976.With Addendum 1977-1992 by M.K. Benson.
Published: 1992
Stock No. 205601
$15.00 Online price

Historical Records of the Fifty-Seventh or West Middlesex Regiment ofFoot compiled from official and private sources from the date of its formation in 1755 to the present time 1878. ...
Published: 1878
Stock No. 204862
$125.00 Online price

Who's Who in Australia 1927-8. A record of the careers of prominent and representative people of the time.
Published: 1927
Stock No. 204762
$65.00 Online price

Who's Who in Australia 1933-34. Incorporating Johns's Notable Australians and being a record of the careers of prominent and representative people of our time.
Published: 1933
Stock No. 204644
$100.00 Online price

Historical Record of the Royal Welch Fusiliers late the Twenty-Third Regiment or Royal Welsh Fusiliers (The Prince of Wales's Own Royal Regiment of Welsh Fuzeliers). Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1689
Published: 1889
Stock No. 204397
$100.00 Online price

Historical Record of the Fifty-Second Regiment (Oxfordshire Light Infantry) from the year 1755 to the year 1858. ... 2nd edition.
Published: 1860
Stock No. 204393
$115.00 Online price

$40.00 Online price