Johns Fred: Rare Books
Who's Who in Australia 1927-8. A record of the careers of prominent and representative people of the time.
Published: 1927
Stock No. 218200
$65.00 Online price

$275.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price

Johns's Notable Australians: Who They Are and What They Do. Brief Biographies of Men and Women of the Commonwealth. 1st Issue.
Published: 1906-1908
Stock No. 199240
$100.00 Online price

Who's Who in Australia 1927-8. A record of the careers of prominent and representative people of the time.
Published: 1927
Stock No. 204762
$65.00 Online price

Who's Who in Australia 1927-8. A Record of the Careers of Prominent and Representative People of the Time.
Published: 1927
Stock No. 207864
$100.00 Online price

$175.00 Online price