Rare Travel Books
Displaying books 121 - 140 of 407 in total
$250.00 Online price

Journal of a Tour into the Interior of Missouri and Arkansaw from Potosi or Mine a Burton in Missouri Territory in a South-West Direction toward the Rocky Mountains; Performed in the Years 1818 and 1819.
Published: 1821
Stock No. 232626
$200.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price

A Voyage to St. Petersburg in 1814 with remarks on The Imperial Russian Navy. By a Surgeon in the British Navy.
Published: 1822
Stock No. 232629
$150.00 Online price

Allday's Gossiping Guide to Birmingham. Handbook for Visitors & Residents ...
Published: c.1910
Stock No. 231653
$50.00 Online price

Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical South Africa Being an Account of a visit to Damaraland in 1851.
Published: 1889
Stock No. 231328
$75.00 Online price

Travels in Montenegro; containing a Topographical Picturesque and Statistical Account of that hitherto undescribed country.
Published: 1820
Stock No. 232614
$250.00 Online price

The Voyage of Charles Darwin. His autobiographical writings selected and arranged by C. Ralling.
Published: 1979
Stock No. 232148
$45.00 Online price

Australia; With notes on the way on Egypt Ceylon Bombay and The Holy Land. 2nd ed. revised.
Published: 1862
Stock No. 231836
$65.00 Online price

A Guide to Bath. Containing a map of the District 12 illustrations and Descriptive Letterpress. Being No. 6 of The "Borough" Guides.
Published: c.1910
Stock No. 231655
$35.00 Online price

Narrative of the Sufferings and Adventures of Henderick Portenger a private soldier of the late Swiss Regiment de Mueron who was wrecked on the shores of Abyssinia in the Red Sea.
Published: 1819
Stock No. 231858
$100.00 Online price

Encyclopedia of Exploration to 1800: A comprehensive reference guide to the history and literature of exploration travel and colonization from the earliest times to the year 1800.
Published: 2003
Stock No. 232478
$125.00 Online price

Travels in the Countries between Alexandria and Paraetonium The Lybian Desert Siwa Egypt Palestine and Syria in 1821.
Published: 1822
Stock No. 232617
$225.00 Online price

Travels in Southern Epirus Acarnania Aetolia Attica and Peloponesus or the Morea &c. &c. in the Years 1814-1816.
Published: 1822
Stock No. 232616
$250.00 Online price