Collins David: Rare Books
An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales from its First Settlement in January 1788 to August 1801: With remarks on the dispositions customs manners &c. of the native inhabitants of that Country.
Published: 1804
Stock No. 247676
$4,000.00 Online price

An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales: With Remarks on the Dispositions Customs Manners &c. of the Native Inhabitants of that Country. To which are added some particulars of New Zealand;
Published: 1798
Stock No. 247677
$10,000.00 Online price

Saga of Settlement. A brief account of the life and times of Lieutenant-Colonel David Collins 1st Judge Advocate of the Colony of New South Wales and Lieutenant-General of Southern Van Diemen's Land.
Published: 1956
Stock No. 253802
$125.00 Online price

The Founding of Hobart by Lieutenant Governor Collins...By James Backhouse Walker.
Published: 1889
Stock No. 236924
$150.00 Online price

Narrative of a Voyage to Port Phillip and Van Diemen's Land with Lieut.-Governor Collins 1803-1804. By A.W.H. Humphrey His Majesty's Mineralogist. Ed. with an introd. and commentary by J. Currey.
Published: 1984
Stock No. 251504
$400.00 Online price