Da Vinci Leonardo: Rare Books
The Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. Compl., Introd., and Annotated by A.E. Pophan.
Published: 1952
Stock No. 244397
$100.00 Online price

$5.00 Online price

The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci. (Transl. from the Russian by B. G. Guerney).
Published: 1931
Stock No. 169987
$45.00 Online price

The Drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci. Compiled Introduced & Annotated by A.E. Popham Keeper of Prints and Drawings British Museum.
Stock No. 220191
$200.00 Online price

$200.00 Online price

The Notebooks of: Arranged and translated by Edward MacCurdy with additional translations by Ladislao Reti. Introd. by Charles Nicholl. 3 vols.
Published: 2009
Stock No. 248770
$350.00 Online price

The Literary Works of Leonardo da Vinci Compiled and edited from the Original Manuscripts by Jean Paul Richter. 2 Vols.
Published: 2010
Stock No. 248804
$850.00 Online price