Gay: Rare Books
The Beggar's Opera. Written by Mr. Gay. To which is Prefixed the Musick to each Song. ...
Published: 1921
Stock No. 248874
$150.00 Online price

Biography: (Edited by W.H. Kearley Wright) and The Fables (Illustrated with 68 Wood Engravings from drawings by W. Harvey).
Published: 1923
Stock No. 251477
$120.00 Online price

To-Morrow. (A Dramatic Sketch of the Character and Environment of Robert Greene).
Published: 1910
Stock No. 170262
$65.00 Online price

The Temple on the Hill: A Mask. Presented in the Great Hall of the Sydney University May 1928.
Stock No. 221106
$65.00 Online price