Hearn L: Rare Books
$10.00 Online price

The Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. (Edited with an Introduction by Elizabeth Bisland).
Published: 1910
Stock No. 196588
$100.00 Online price

Lafcadio Hearn. Containing some letters from Lafcadio Hearn to his half-sister Mrs. Atkinson.
Published: 1911
Stock No. 199731
$25.00 Online price

Letters from the Raven. Being the Correspondence of Lafcadio Hearn with Henry Watkin. With introd. and critical comment by the Editor Milton Bronner.
Published: 1908
Stock No. 201431
$30.00 Online price

$75.00 Online price

The Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. Edited with an Introduction by Elizabeth Bisland.
Published: 1911
Stock No. 234265
$60.00 Online price