Johnson M: Rare Books
Over African Jungles. The record from pen and camera of a glorious adventure over the Big Game Country of Africa 60 000 miles by aeroplane.
Published: 1935
Stock No. 246310
$75.00 Online price

$50.00 Online price

Index to Birth Marriage Death & Funeral Notices in the Sydney Herald 18 April 1831 - 30 September 1853. 4 Vols. (Complete).
Published: 1975
Stock No. 253822
$300.00 Online price

Land Grants: 1788-1809. New South Wales Norfolk Island Van Diemen's Land.
Published: 1974
Stock No. 253832
$125.00 Online price

Gravestone Inscriptions N.S.W. Vol.1 (all published). Sydney Burial Ground: Elizabeth and Devonshire Streets "The Sandhills" (Monuments at Bunnerong).
Published: 1973
Stock No. 253933
$150.00 Online price

Convict Pardons: 1 January 1810 - 3l December 1819. Granted by Major-General Lachlan Macquarie Governor of New South Wales.
Published: 1974
Stock No. 254088
$50.00 Online price

Index to Birth Marriage Death & Funeral Notices in the Sydney Herald. 3 vols of 4 only. Included are: Vol. 1: 18 April 1831 - 30 July 1842; Vol. 2: 1 August 1842 - 31 December 1847; and Vol. 4: 1 June 1851 - 30 September 1853.
Published: 1975
Stock No. 215167
$300.00 Online price

$200.00 Online price

Convict Pardons: 1 January 1810 - 31 December 1819. Granted by Major-General Lachlan Macquarie Governor of New South Wales.
Published: 1974
Stock No. 251927
$115.00 Online price