Nolan S: Rare Books
Sydney Nolan: Works on Paper Retrospective. (Catalogue of a travelling exhibition throughout Australia 1980-1981).
Published: 1980
Stock No. 167543
$25.00 Online price

Nolan: 120 Works: 1940s - 1980s. Paintings - Works on Paper - Prints.
Published: 1996
Stock No. 174942
$10.00 Online price

Nolan: Landscapes & Legends. ( A Retrospective Exhibition 1937-1987).
Published: 1987
Stock No. 189446
$50.00 Online price

$50.00 Online price

Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly.The Ned Kelly paintings in the Australian National Gallery and a selection of the artist's sketches for the series. Elwyn Lynn's story of the paintings with Sir Sidney Nolan's comments.
Published: 1985
Stock No. 205410
$65.00 Online price

Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly.The Ned Kelly Paintings in the Australian National Gallery and a selection of the artist's sketches for the series. Elwyn Lynn's story of the paintings with Sir Sidney Nolan's comments.
Published: 1985
Stock No. 211692
$100.00 Online price

Sydney Nolan. Retrospective Exhibition. Paintings from 1937 to 1967. Souvenir Catalogue.
Published: 1967
Stock No. 232611
$20.00 Online price

Sidney Nolan: 1917-1992. By Barry Pearce with an Introduction by Edmund Capon and contributions by Frances Lindsay and Lou Klepac.
Published: 2007
Stock No. 235689
$65.00 Online price