Pope A: Rare Books
A Catalogue of the First Editions of the works of Alexander Pope (1688-1744). Together with a collection of the engraved portraits of the poet and of his friends.
Published: 1911
Stock No. 250027
$75.00 Online price

Pope and His Contemporaries. Essays presented to George Sherburn. Ed. by J.L. Clifford and L.A. Landa.
Published: 1949
Stock No. 201178
$40.00 Online price

The Prose Works of Alexander Pope. Newly collected and edited by N.Ault. Vol.I: The Earlier Works 1711-1720.
Published: 1936
Stock No. 211376
$95.00 Online price

The Works of Alexander Pope Esq. With his last corrections additions and improvements; As they were delivered to the Editor a little before his Death. Together with the Commentary and Notes of Mr. Warburton. 9 vols. complete.
Published: 1757
Stock No. 223260
$2,500.00 Online price