Ralegh W: Rare Books
The Discoverie of the Large and Bewtiful Empire of Guiana by Sir Walter Ralegh.
Published: 1928
Stock No. 248259
$200.00 Online price

The Discoverie of the Large Rich and Beautiful Empyre of Guiana ... and of the Provinces of Emeria Arromaia Amapaia and other Countries ... performed in the yeare 1595.
Published: 1596
Stock No. 176510
$170.00 Online price

Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Ralegh. With some account of the Period in which he lived.
Published: 1830
Stock No. 200453
$125.00 Online price

The Life of Sir Walter Ralegh. Based on contemporary documents preserved in the Rolls House the Privy Council Office Hatfield House the British Museum and other manuscript repositories British and Foreign.
Published: 1868
Stock No. 207287
$90.00 Online price

The Discovery of the Large Rich and Beautiful Empire of Guiana ...Edited With Copious Explanatory Notes and a Biographical Memoir by Sir Robert H. Schomburgk
Published: 1848
Stock No. 253430
$350.00 Online price